The past few weeks I have had a strong urge to write something. What it is I’m not quite sure of. Maybe I’m just on edge, like everyone is, because of all the election hubbub. Everyone gets together in a big charade every four years and bickers to the death about almost nothing at all. Not that there aren’t issues that require immediate action, just that the issues discussed amount to hogwash in comparison to the problems that everyday people face in this country and around the world. The presidential elections have been a popularity contest similar to that of reality TV shows ever since I have been cognate enough to understand what is going on. This circus show amounts to a big distraction and fear campaign conducted by our government every two to four years. All of em’ are dirty so it becomes a contest of who can scare the most voters away from the other candidate.
“Who is going to be worse for the country?” has been the main campaign tactic since I can remember, and if your thinking of trying to escape this loop of negativity, “you better think again, Buddy!” If you vote for someone that actually shows a little promise, you might as well be voting for the devil incarnate, or even worse, Mitt Romney. Well, for me, and for many other people I know, the two party system that currently runs the show in Washington has completely failed. I am not in support of President Obama and his inclination to lead the United States further down the path of a complete totalitarian regime. Nor am I is support of a neo-nazi mormon with an evil smile. But hey, the average Merican would probably peg me as an anarchist heathen rather than a progressive and logical thinker. Maybe the great Orwellian dream is just an inevitable conclusion to our little experiment with so called democracy. Or at least when the kings still decide all the rules to the experiment. The other possibility is that I’m just a psychotic deranged human being with grand delusions of human peace and understanding. So do take this rant wit a grain of salt as they say, or a bong rip if you’d like.
What really amazes me is how well the current system actually functions in respect to perpetuating the privileged class control as the principle rule to the game of politics, or if you would like to call it a “Representative Democracy.” What I mean is how the powers in control coordinate to create an obedient homogeneous culture that believes the illusion of democracy. Not to say that everyone believes the lie, but there must be a huge population that does, or is at least complacent enough to say nothing in the face of clear and explicit unethical immorality. If we analyze the current situation and understand what is going on, it becomes clearer what the problems and solutions may be. If we begin with understanding that government is set up to maintain order and keep the domestic population under control, and in order to maintain that control the population must be either satisfied to a state of complacency or frightened to act against it. Then its no stretch to say that if a population of people is well educated, they will most certainly demand a better quality of life and god forbid a fair share in the resources a government. In a worldwide structure that seeks to keep the privileged on top and in control of the means of production, while keeping the working class in poverty through a systematic dependency on wage labor, there is little incentive to educate the working class. An educated working class would most certainly figure out that the ones on top are actually dependant on the workers for their little paradise to flourish.
Because of the progresses that have been made in the last few centuries in terms of information availability, social theories, and struggles for equality, the government is required to provide some forms of social enrichment for the working class in order to maintain control. Even the foundation of this country was based on giving the population a say through representative democracy, however the founding fathers were very smart about arranging this government to give the illusion of public representation and human freedom while still having in place a centralized system of government to control the means of production and direct the majority of the wealth to the wealthy white landowners and descendants from the English throne. An interesting point to consider is that during this point in American history, as far as I can comprehend, the citizens of the country had the most freedom than at any point since. The literacy rate was the highest in the history of the nation (among those who were privileged enough to be citizens), the centralized government was at its weakest, and a revolution for freedom had just been achieved. Slowly, however, the power of the federalists and their idea of a strong central government began to grow and become more accepted. Now, I’m not trying to paint the founding fathers of this country as saints of freedom by any means, their hypocrisies became evident as soon as the revolutionary war was over (not to mention all of the founding fathers were owners of African slaves). One of my points will become evident very soon. Native groups such as the Iroquois, who had supported the American army during the war, soon found themselves in a struggle for their own sovereignty against a new government with grand ideas of building an empire of the west. Treaties were thrown out in light of western expansion and by the time Mr. Jackson came on the scene, many of the groups that had supported the revolution were caught up in a systematic extermination and assimilation of their culture. That’s how the US government rewards loyalty and assistance from other cultures; with genocide.
One of the major accomplishments of the early US founders in my opinion was the creation of the bill of rights and the First amendment that guaranteed the freedom to worship and express opinions freely from government persecution. Now this is only a guarantee of the federal government and didn’t necessarily apply to private enterprise, however for a long time it allowed free thought and free press to flourish and created the basis for “American Culture” where you could say whatever you damn well please. Fuckers! This soon became a problem for those who wanted strong central control, but completely ratifying that amendment would almost certainly cause a huge backlash and resistance toward the government. So the control was directed through the private sector. If churches and private business can control the press through private ownership, then the freedom of press can be limited through economic means and the blame could not be placed on the federal government. Likewise, through this system money and resources could be funneled to other countries for the purposes of war without needing congressional approval. During both of the world wars the US private sector made a killing (literally) selling arms and money to both sides of the conflict until it was necessary for us to intervene and pick a side. Prescott Bush, for example, funneled mass amounts of personal money to the 3rd Reich all throughout World War II. After WWII was over the US took advantage as the emerging world power economically and militarily, and basically reorganized the geography of the globe to suit the desires of the wealthy white private business sector of the United States. Sound a bit familiar to you? All the major empires of the world were consolidated into one, through puppet dictators and rulers that were happy to serve at the pleasure of the US private sector. The main exception being the USSR who, at the time, was the only world power that could compete with the US. This was the main reason for the cold war. The fight against communist ideologies was, at best, a side benefit.
Now, beginning to arrive closer to my point, there is a big historical question that needs to be asked. How did the United States transform from a mostly isolationist government into the worlds monitor within a span of less than 50 years? The answer is quite complicated to answer thoroughly, but in minimal terms the answer is slow and steady public manipulation combined with complete exploitation of the people and resources of this country and others. By this time the government, through the power of public and private sectors, had major control over the education, information, and free press available to the citizens of this country. The media and the educational institution had become major players (with almost as much authority and power as the church) that influenced public opinion. With the threat posed by the Japanese and the Germans, it was easy to bend the publics’ opinion to support an unnecessary war and give up their rights quite willingly in self righteous patronage and nationalist fervor. The rally of a free nation against a seemingly insurmountable evil. Now get in line! All of you! This affects the prosperity and security of this great god given country.
With the evil seemingly defeated it was “Necessary” for the US (As the gleaming champions of freedom) to take control of the world in order to “Prevent” the evil from coming back into power. Kinda sounds like a public school history class. In fact, the US kept many of the same high level Nazi and Japanese empirical rulers in power through a system known as puppet democracy. We made sure the thugs knew who was boss and then we sent them to work for us. Their plan for world domination fit right in line with ours with the only exception being how to direct the show. The Nazis did it through open authoritarian control, but the US does it through private and public manipulation. Convince the public that they need authority and they will almost willingly ask for it.
At this point in US history, the people running the show aren’t necessarily even politicians. They’re also big bankers, military contractors, corporations, church officials, and even mafia leaders. Those with enough wealth and desire to bend laws in their favor have bought out many, if not all, political leaders through campaign contributions, or through other legal and illegal payoffs. The politicians who receive these payoffs are certainly not working for any public interest. I believe that by the end of WWII, if not earlier, the gears are already in motion towards a US led and western dominated world totalitarian empire that hides behind the illusion of representative democracy and free market capitalism. Just to analyze the words representative democracy and free market capitalism invokes immediate contradictions. One example of this transformation is seen in the military conflicts that followed the Second World War. After this point there is no need for congress to approve a declaration of war. Most domestic politicians are bought out, World leaders are either bought out or agree with our interests, NATO pretty much serves the interests of the united states and its allied regime, and sources of media and information will be glad to pander toward the interests of their owners. There is simply not any real need for the government to convince the general public anymore through a congressional order. Most of the public will believe the propaganda and willfully agree, and those that don’t wont be able to compete with mainstream media. Not to mention that none of the subsequent military engagements had anything to do with a real national threat, nor did they have anything to do with liberation. It did have everything to do with elite western domination of world wealth and resources. The strategy is to go to war first, ask questions publicly later. If the military is already engaged when the facts rise to the surface it’s much harder to demand that the conflict be ended. If it gets out of hand, like it did during the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement, they can pump up the drug supply and try to buy out as many leaders as possible. Those who don’t accept can be put in prison, publicly discredited, or (if the problem warrants it) assassinated. After all, as long as the people or movements don’t get too big, it’s not politically correct to assassinate anyone. Keep the status quo. Don’t want the population to realize the illusion being presented.
With all the systems in place the objective has been continued world domination and accelerated growth for profits. I don’t wish to delve into too many more examples, but it’s not an unconventional thought if you read and search through the history of US military presence throughout the world since the mid 20th century. Both world domination and accelerated growth are key to keeping the wealthy supplied with an ever abundant stream of monetary profits while keeping the rest of the world population in the working class or in poverty. This is where we are now. All government resources of the world are directed towards continuing this model by any and all means.
Here in the US and in other allied countries where the western model is easily accepted, we have a relatively high amount of wealth and in turn a wealthier standard of living. We also have the ability to freely express our thoughts and ideas to a degree. If you have the ability to, you can be educated at a higher learning institution or a private school. The Internet has become a tool for mass communication and information. In these nations there is an educated class that knows what is going on, and in some cases is dissident towards the government in power. World wide I feel there is a push for addressing the inequalities in the present model of capitalism, but that doesn’t mean the powers at be will just hand over their control. Since the 60’s, when there seemed to be a focused attention being paid towards some of these issues, the powers at be have accelerated class separation, worsened public education, and attacked human rights, particularly in regards to politically dissident behavior. The cycle or model for the western government seems to be that when the population gets out of control, the strategy is to give them some of what they want and then subvert it. As long as the population stays complacent, keep tightening the authority of centralized power. NAFTA, The Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, and most recently the NDAA act have been some of the government’s responses to the educated dissident culture. Other responses are found in the private sector with the overload of information through advertising, marketing, news sources and other forms of information. It all amounts to a distraction away from the issues of class struggle, human rights, and environmental destruction. A deterrent for those who wish to expose the illusion of government.
Getting back to the elections, there seems to be many polarizing viewpoints that distract the main base of voters. (Those who still have faith in the system) Nothing is being addressed clearly and the people who care are constantly trying to scare you into voting for their man. There are also the others who have lost faith in the system completely and are just further disenfranchised during the election charade. I am in this category. There seem to be some who feel powerless, and therefore don’t care and don’t vote. There are also those like me who still believe we have power, but are outnumbered by the many Obama and Romney voters so, in the end, our vote doesn’t matter much. (at least for presidential and congressional seats) Let me say this, no matter how polarized the issues get or how much people try to scare me, I will never vote for a war criminal who has prosecuted more dissident citizens than any other president in history, and has signed legislation that gives the government the right to detain its citizens without trial. Yeah, I’m talking about Obama just incase you have been blindly supporting his presidency. I don’t think he had good intentions (like one of my good friends argues) and I don’t think he is a good person period. He knows exactly what he is doing and whom he is doing it for.
The issues of class struggle, human rights, and environmental destruction are what really matters and honestly the only way they are ever going to be addressed is if the structure of representative democracy and free market capitalism is revoked and replaced with a model that actually addresses the community it is suppose to serve. So I say to you, all my brothers and sisters, don’t focus your attention on this election or any of the issues the snakes and wolves are debating. Go vote if you wish, but the answer is not Obama or Romney, the answer lies in regaining the ability to determine the direction of our future. Self organizing at the grassroots level within small communities but with international solidarity. Don’t be fooled into being lazy. It’s time to direct our attention to asserting equal human rights, international justice, and environmental conservation. This will mean replacing the whole system and starting anew. Nothing will change until the system in power is remembered as one of the largest mistakes in human history. So on election day folks, just stick it to em and decide not to give them your precious vote. Give em the middle finger publicly, declare the government illegitimate and say no more!
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